Tips and explanation about the process of making Aliyah to Israel:
Details of the process prior to the arrival to Israel:
1. The Ole (new immigrant to Israel) applies to an Aliyah delegate and request to immigrate in accordance with the Law of Return.
2. A file is opened for him or her at the Jewish Agency, a process of investigation and examination, which takes several months, is carried out, and the applicant is requested to introduce various documents, such as a birth certificate.
3. If the Ole is found eligible, he is invited to the Jewish Agency / Aliyah organization in order to receive an Aliyah visa.
4. The date of Aliyah is set, and a one-way ticket is purchased for him and his family (the immigrants can arrive as individuals, as a family or as a group).
5. A notice is sent to the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption as to the arrival date of the Ole / family / group to Israel.
Receiving the Olim in Israel:
1. The Ministry of Immigration and Absorption receives notice messages from all the delegates around the world regarding the arrival of new immigrants (Olim).
2. An Aliyah file is prepared for the Ole / family / group, which includes various documents, birth certificate, etc.
3. The Olim arrive at Ben Gurion Airport’s Terminal 3 and are transferred to the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption branch at Terminal 1.
4. Each Ole receives: Ole certificate, ID card, initial absorption basket in cash 250 NIS for adults, 250 NIS for children, SIM card with 200 minutes call, and registration is made to Health Services provider (HMO).
5. The Ole collects the baggage and is transferred to: Absorption Center / Housing facilities / Kibbutz / An apartment of a relative. (If the family resides in Eilat, the ole receives a flight ticket to Eilat).
Appropriate, professional employment and job satisfaction are important conditions for successful absorption.
Successful integration involves many factors:
The condition of the work market
The profession of the Ole and the demand for his or her profession in Israel.
Education, experience and age, readiness for change and professional retraining, if necessary.
Initiative, personal connections, self-marketing ability, and more.
In order to successfully integrate into the Israeli employment market, it is recommended that the new Ole:
1. Learns the Hebrew language prior to his / her arrival to Israel.
2.Translate diplomas and documents related to education and work experience, and receive evaluation of these diplomas and documents.
3. Plan the employment track with the personal absorption consultant, and, if necessary, be accompanied by an employment psychologist at the employment center.
4. Carry out a licensing or certification process in professions requiring an Israeli work license.
5. Search employment through employment centers or independently.
6. Participate in retraining or vocational qualification trainings. Various bodies, including the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption and the Students Administration that offer student scholarships, offer vocational courses. These courses and programs are necessary for those who cannot find work in their professions or their profession is not required in the Israeli labor market.